Author Taren Elle pursues her dream career

by Timothy Pike
When author Taren Elle started writing romance novels at the age of thirteen, she knew approximately nothing about actual, real-life romance. “I always joke about the thought of writing romance,” she says, “and how I knew nothing besides what I saw on TV or read in books at that age. I spent a lot of time excessively describing character details and their surroundings.”
She may have been in over her head at the time, but it did help form a solid foundation for another romance of sorts: her love for writing, which led her to pursue a degree in creative writing. “It wasn’t until college,” she says, “that I began to focus my writing and develop my voice.”
And just last year, she reached another milestone in her blossoming career. Her first published book, a romance novelette called Ice for His Ego, was released as an e-book.
Having recently moved from the big city, Taren, who now lives in a quieter area outside of Dover, Delaware, is currently adjusting to small-town life. “I was close to Washington, D.C.,” she says, “so I am still adjusting, but I can say I love the slower pace.”
It’s even helped motivate her to write.
“When I was commuting two to three hours to work, I didn’t have the time nor the energy to write,” she explains. “Now that I have the time, it’s going to take a little work to reestablish myself. Writing through that struggle is like dragging yourself through the mud.”
When Taren started writing romance novels at the age of thirteen, she knew nothing about actual, real-life romance. “I always joke about the thought,” she says.
Even Taren’s work life is requiring some adjustment after leaving a desk job in March, but it’s a change for the better—especially because she’s now in the perfect environment for nurturing her creativity. “I recently decided to revisit my old stomping grounds working at an arts and crafts store,” she tells me. “I’ve always been a crafty person, and you hear such amazing stories working in a place that inspires artistic talent.”
As she honed her skills, Taren drew inspiration from Sherrilyn Kenyon and J.R. Ward, two well-known authors of fantasy and paranormal romance. “When I started writing and was still developing my voice,” Taren says, “my writing emulated much of their styles.”
Now, Taren is hard at work on her own paranormal romance novel. It’s called The Fall of Darkholm, and here’s the premise:
In a world where vampires and humans coexist, after the taste of a rare human’s blood, Gideon Darkholm must muster the strength to stave off his bloodlust and prevent his digression into the monster he hates the most.
And the first paragraph:
Our days of isolation from the human world were over. By choice, the humans were evolving, forcing us to evolve with them. In turn, they made us out to be these monstrous creatures that thrived on their blood. We live and breathe just as they do. We are only an evolution of what they are, after all.
Sound interesting? You can let Taren know that by clicking “Sounds interesting!” on her book’s page. While you’re there, be sure to read what she’s written so far and let her know what you think by leaving a feedback comment.
“I’ve had many days when I wanted to quit and give up,” says Taren, “but there is nothing else I want to do besides have a successful writing career. That’s what keeps me going.”
Taren is happy to have plenty of support from those close to her. “My fiancĂ© has been my most significant influence and supporter,” she says. “He is working on his dream career, so he pushes me every day to do the same.”
But even a dream career brings its own set of challenges. “Getting that first word on paper or staring at a blank computer screen can be daunting,” says Taren. “The idea is there, but the right words to express what I’m thinking escape me.”
Fortunately, she’s figured out a solution to this problem, and it’s actually pretty simple: just spend a few minutes writing anything that comes to mind. “I learned quickly that three to five minutes of flash writing is excellent for just getting the words on the paper,” she explains. “Once that barrier has broken, the words start to flow.”
While Taren acknowledges that she has a ways to go, it’s obvious she’s well on her way. “Publishing my novelette was the first milestone,” she says. And as long as she keeps honing her writing techniques, she’ll have no problem accomplishing everything she’s set out for herself for the next several years.
“I’ve had a fantasy romance book on the back burner for quite some time. I am hoping I can bring it back to life,” she says. “I may continue with e-book publishing, but I am also considering submitting to publishing houses.”
“I’ve had many days when I wanted to quit and give up, but I know that there is nothing else in the world that I want to do besides having a successful writing career. That’s what keeps me going,” Taren says. “We will see what the universe has in store.”
Check out Taren’s ChapterBuzz page and become her next Fan! Her first novelette, Ice for His Ego, is also available for purchase as an e-book.