‘Tis the season for bookworms
Depending on where you are in the world, you’re either bundled up in more layers than Ralphie’s little brother in A Christmas Story, or you’re cruising to the beach to soak up some sun. But no matter where you are, the holidays are a time to enjoy delicious food, the company of family, and of course, good books. (Have you browsed ChapterBuzz lately? We’ve got plenty of incredible books taking shape there.)
Speaking of incredible books, in October we held the 10K Novel Writing Challenge at ChapterBuzz. After a solid month of coffee-fueled writing sessions, votes were cast, winners were chosen, and I’m proud to announce them right here, right now:
- Most Buzz Award: Shirley Holder Platt for Mama Needs New Shoes
- Fan Favorite Award: Susan Woerner for Aradia’s Diaspora
- Challenge Choice Award: Sibille Rose for A Crack in the Mirror
You’re sure to enjoy these works-in-progress, so make it a point to stop by and read. You can even say congratulations to these award-winning authors by sending ChapterBucks as a gift, or make their day by mentioning one of them on your blog for extra exposure.
I’m also excited to present this month’s magazine contributors, who have brought some delectable dishes to the feast. Here’s a taste:
Editor Jennifer Silva Redmond is back, sharing her recipe for a bestselling book. Did the last novel you devoured have all five of these ingredients baked in?
Allison Marie Conway, in her Art & Soul column, discusses why writing and other types of creative work are so important. Even if you have a day job simply to pay the bills, she says, “just don’t forget that your creative work is your work, too—your soul work.”
Next, when all is calm on a silent night, award-winning author Liberty Henwick‘s mind is especially bright. Except it’s not visions of sugar plums dancing in her head, it’s rhyming couplets—and she, well, kind of wants to know if this ever happens to you, too.
Finally, on the cover this month is Leah Lindeman, an award-winning author hailing from Ontario, Canada. You’ll hear all about her ambitious book series, how her writing career started on a trampoline, and her secret to getting booked on so many radio programs. You’ll also find out about an interesting skill she has that will serve her well at holiday meals this season.
I hope you can find a few moments, before the guests arrive and cheerful chaos descends upon your household, to kick back in your most comfortable oversized sweater and relax—glass of egg nog in hand—with your December issue of Books & Buzz Magazine.
Happy reading,
Timothy Pike
Editor-in-chief, Books & Buzz Magazine