Here’s to new beginnings
New year, new you. Right?
Whether you’re a writer who’s planning to buckle down on your novel, or a book lover who has vowed to read more in 2019, we’ve got you covered over at ChapterBuzz. You’ll love some of the latest books taking shape!
Want to hone your writing skills? You’re in luck. I’ve just started offering a range of writing courses taught by Nancy Strauss of Creative Writing Now. Have a look at these self-paced courses, and treat yourself! By learning something you’ve always wanted to learn, you’ll be moving your career forward at the same time.
And check out the talent in this month’s issue:
With a refreshing take on what makes good writing, Allison Marie Conway reveals the “one thing we must stop doing if we want writing that is real, vulnerable, dangerous, true.” It’s all in this month’s “Art & Soul” column.
Liberty Henwick, queen of rhyming couplets, is back with another poetic tale, this time about a homemaker mouse who’s fed up with housework. It gets a little scary, but don’t fret too much—let’s just say there’s a little “twist” at the end!
Next, I’d like to welcome Michael Mohr to the Books & Buzz scene. Michael is a freelance book editor who’s got some advice on how to cut down on the “bread”—the filler—of your story and get to the “meat” a little sooner. Your readers will thank you for it.
And on the cover is Steve Boseley, a horror writer from Nottingham, UK, who loves telling stories about disturbing and creepy things happening to regular people in otherwise ordinary situations. Read all about why Steve’s nightmare factory is so effective.
How about you? If you’ve been wanting to get involved and submit your own article or story, don’t be shy. Check out our submission guidelines and send in your work today. I look forward to hearing from you!
Happy reading,
Timothy Pike
Editor-in-chief, Books & Buzz Magazine