Have a big dream? Take action every day
This month’s issue of Books & Buzz Magazine shines the spotlight on a couple of writers who will do whatever it takes to succeed, and stop at nothing to reach new heights. Writers who dream big, but also take big action every day.
Big dreams, as most everyone knows, rarely come true overnight.
They require patience, persistence, and most of all, time. Yes, it’s easy to get discouraged. But the writers we hear from in this issue have found a way to rise above it and keep going, no matter what’s happening in their lives.
If you’ve ever had a big dream—whether you’re a writer or not—you might relate to the way author Tiffany S. Doran sometimes feels. “It is so easy to get down on yourself and want to throw your hands up,” she writes. But Tiffany also realizes that any goal worth achieving will take time. “The journey of writing is a long one,” she says. “But it is also a rewarding one, and one that can carry your legacy far and wide.”
Next, when I interview writers, I always ask about their plans for the next several years. As Taren Elle, this month’s cover author, steadfastly pursues her dream career, her to-do list is quite ambitious. It includes finishing up her current work-in-progress, The Fall of Darkholm, and giving new life to a fantasy romance novel she set aside a while back—and of course, publishing them both.
In her feature article, Taren talks about the place where she hears the most amazing stories (you’ll never guess where), how she hones her writing techniques over time, and how much she knew about real-life romance when she started writing about it (hint: none!)
And there’s even more in this issue:
Shirley Holder Platt, author of Mama Needs New Shoes, entertains us with a tale about that time she picked up a part-time job in a cheese shop on a whim—and had some interesting adventures.
And finally, how much does it cost to publish your own book? In this issue, I share my top seven tips for publishing a beautiful book on a shoestring budget. You might just be surprised at how much of it you can do for free.
For now, keep dreaming, and keep writing. And enjoy this month’s issue of Books & Buzz Magazine!
Happy reading,
Timothy Pike
Editor-in-chief, Books & Buzz Magazine