Are you the next breakout author?
Ever wonder how successful authors got that way? When we look at a writer whose debut novel is soaring up the charts, we often see a confident, up-and-coming author with a thriving career.
Another overnight sensation, we think—maybe with a twinge of envy.
But what we don’t see is all the hard work, hustle, and hair-pulling frustration that went into it. For years, these writers went to great lengths to rise above all the noise and stand out in the crowd. They tried new things. They experimented, failed, then tried again. Over and over, day in and day out.
Then one joyful day—at long last—they broke out … and started to get noticed.
At Books & Buzz Magazine, this is what we’re looking for: the next breakout author.
What is a breakout author?
Quite simply, it’s a writer who has found a way to stand out in the crowd.
It could be setting up a table at a book fair for the first time, and as a pleasant surprise, selling many more copies than you’d hoped to …
… or trying out a new social media strategy that ignites your Instagram followers and draws in many more …
… or perhaps it’s reaching out to a popular BookTok reviewer, who loves your novel and raves about it to their massive audience.
Fantastic! Now, you’re on your way up—and it only happened because you were willing to try new ways to stand out in the crowd.
Does that mean you’re rich and famous now? A household name? Independently wealthy and set for life? Probably not. But it does mean you’re a breakout author, and success like this doesn’t happen to everyone … only to those who want it the most.
It’s a learning curve. For many of us, it’s steep. And it’s often slow. And even as you put in the effort day after day, it might feel like nothing is happening … that is, until you suddenly find yourself on the cover of Books & Buzz Magazine!
So where do you start?
First, subscribe to our e-magazine. It’s free.
As a subscriber, you’ll get expert tips and advice from authors who have made it—and can tell you how to get there, too.
It’s like someone handing you a road map to where you want to be.
Grab your free subscription now, and I’ll start introducing you to writers who can change your life.
You could be our next breakout author!
To your success,
Timothy Pike (Tim)
Editor of Books & Buzz Magazine