Readers and writers, 2019 is your year
You may be a writer, or you may be someone who loves reading great books. Either way, 2019 is going to be your year.
Why? Because we’re holding our very first Book of the Year Competition!
And even though only one book will win this November, everyone will benefit:
Readers, you’ll get to attend our virtual book fair, the November Book Reading Party, where you’ll spend the month of November discovering new books and reading—at your leisure—the best of what ChapterBuzz authors have to offer. The more you read, the more you’re helping your favorite authors win. RSVP now and I’ll send you a reminder later this year!
Writers, you’ll have the opportunity to attract new Fans, promote your published book (and your works-in-progress), and even end up on the cover of Books & Buzz Magazine. It’s a great way to get your name out there and sell copies of your novel—it’ll be holiday gift-giving time, after all.
The Book of the Year winner (and four finalists) will be announced in the December issue of Books & Buzz, but all books that receive positive reviews will be included in our Holiday Book-Giving Guide.
Think your book has what it takes? Learn all about it here.
Now, let’s talk about this month’s issue!
Regular contributor Tiffany S. Doran writes about her experience with refocusing—that is, training herself to see possibilities in life (and in writing) simply by changing her perspective. For example, let’s say you want to become a published author but are having doubts. “Don’t listen to the voice on your shoulder saying that no one will like it or no one will buy it,” Tiffany advises. “Flick him off your shoulder and say, ‘Watch me!'” Her article this month could inspire you to achieve greater heights.
And if you are looking to publish your book as soon as possible, check out my article, 3 quick-start ways to become a published author ASAP. You’ll learn the first simple steps you can take to be off to a running start, as well as how much time you’ll need before book launch.
Next, author Shirley Holder Platt wants you to know that if you’re not the type to sit down and plan your book in advance, you’re not alone. You might be happy to know that she and plenty of others write by the seat of their pants, too, and this month, Shirley offers up her five best writing tips for her fellow “pantsers.”
Decidedly not a pantser is our cover author this month, Jodé Millman, who spent years planning, researching, and outlining her recently published book, The Midnight Call. In fact, so caught up was she in the pre-writing process that looking back, she feels she may have just been stalling for time. “I think I was afraid to actually commit by sitting down and writing the damn book,” Jodé admits. But she put fear aside and not only wrote the book, but got it published too—and her book launch was just last month. You’ll learn all about this author and attorney who has lived most of her life in Poughkeepsie, New York, and bases her stories on actual crimes that happened there.
Whether you’re currently poolside—or cooling off indoors under a ceiling fan—pour yourself a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade, and enjoy this month’s issue of Books & Buzz Magazine.
Happy reading,
Timothy Pike
Editor-in-chief, Books & Buzz Magazine