It’s on! The battle for Book of the Year at ChapterBuzz
A new decade is upon us, readers and writers, and our New Year’s resolutions are in full swing. For some, this means early mornings at the gym. For others, it means working as quickly as possible to finish writing their novels.
And for good reason: the deadline to enter your novel in our Book of the Year Competition is fast approaching. It’s the biggest award (and prize package) we’ve ever given out, so the next few months are crucial.
Since the clock is ticking, the perfect time to get crackin’ on your novel is right now! To really put the pedal to the metal, join the Novel Writer Boot Camp. It’s your chance to work one-on-one with an editor and writing coach who will help you set goals, stay on track, and write a novel that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats.
Here’s what you’ll find as you flip through the virtual pages of this issue:
Author Shirley Holder Platt, award winner and Tier V Rising Star Author at ChapterBuzz, shares her favorite 20 books for writers. “As writers,” she says, “we must be constantly learning about our craft.” In your own quest for knowledge, you may have already plowed through some of the books on her list, but you’re almost certain to uncover some gems.
Next, Tier II Rising Star Author Cynthia A. Jensen is back, this time with five of her best tips for finding inspiration and keeping track of her story ideas. Ideas can hit anywhere, Cynthia observes, and sometimes shifting your writer’s brain into overdrive is as simple as leaving your house.
After that, we hear from author and editor Michael Mohr, who works with lots of new authors and considers character development to be one of the most important aspects of writing a novel. So what’s the best way to make your characters almost literally jump off the page? Michael explains in depth the “5 Cornerstones of Characterization” that were originally conceived by author David Corbett.
On the cover this month is Alexis Cunningham, Tier II Newcomer Author and recipient of our Fan Favorite Award during the last 10K Novel-Building Challenge. Alexis talks about the fantasy series she’s working on, how baking is so much like writing, and why for the longest time she didn’t even realize that she was a writer.
Whether you find yourself staring out at a cold, gray January sky or relaxing with a drink on a warm beach at this time of year, please enjoy this month’s issue of Books & Buzz Magazine.
Happy reading,
Timothy Pike
Editor-in-chief, Books & Buzz Magazine