This month: more free books, magical stories of an enchanted land, and how a writing mentor can help you

A Letter from the Editor
Hurry, readers and writers!
This is the last month to get in on the 100 Free Books of Fall! Sign up for free book alerts and learn how to help us choose our Book of the Year.
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Without further ado, let’s take a look at this issue of Books & Buzz Magazine!
On the cover this month is K.T. Anglehart, an award-winning fantasy author from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Her latest novel, The Twin Flame, is book two in her debut young adult fantasy series, The Scottish Scrolls. In our interview, Katrina talks about why she’s drawn to Scotland and Ireland, how often she writes, and that time in elementary school she realized she was meant to be a writer—after surprising all her classmates.
Next, as author James L Hill looks at the profession of “scribe” in all its forms throughout the ages, we learn it’s not so easy to define. “In short,” he says, “it is a lofty calling to enlighten the populace.” Whether reporting the news, calling out injustices, or educating us with humor, writers have always held an importance place in society. By examining the different roles of writers throughout history, James discovers the key traits that all good writers have in common.
Then, indie author and podcaster Freddy Cruz shares some insider ideas for getting the most out of your recent podcast appearance. Instead of thanking the host on Facebook and leaving it at that, Freddy explains that a podcast interview is ripe for the picking, meaning you can take that one interview and create all sorts of promotional material. “You have readers—fans, if you will—who clamor at everything you write and say,” Freddy tells us. “You earned their eyeballs and ears. So give them what they want: more of you.” If you’ve ever used the too-common excuse that social media is too hard, you’ll love Freddy’s simple tips for “milking the content cow,” as he puts it, and keeping your fans’ social media feeds full for some time to come.
Finally, Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, award-winning author, editor, and speaker, explains how mentors can help writers achieve their goals and be more successful. “With the right mindset and approach,” she says, “working with a mentor can be an enriching experience to help you grow and develop as a writer.” But she also warns us about the challenges that come up when looking for the right mentor and establishing a working relationship. Once you overcome those hurdles, she assures us, the benefits of having a guide to help you navigate the writing journey can do wonders for your career.
After you’ve signed up to receive the 100 Free Books of Fall, take a few minutes to steal away, relax, and enjoy this month’s issue of Books & Buzz Magazine.
Happy reading,
Timothy Pike
Editor-in-chief, Books & Buzz Magazine