Marketing your book: 8 tips + the most important thing

It’s one thing to write a book, but quite another to promote it. This author shares 8 ways to do it, plus the one thing she did that helped the most.
by Diann Floyd Boehm
Last year, I wrote an article called “How to ‘tame the Beast’ of social media,” which talked about marketing a book. When I first wrote and finished my stories, I had never thought about the marketing aspect. If I had, I probably would not be an author today.
So if you are a new writer discovering the challenges of marketing your book, I encourage you to keep writing while you master the art of marketing. Don’t stop writing! In this article, I share some ideas to spread the word about your books to the right audiences. So, let’s dive in.
When you first thought about your story, you most likely asked yourself who your audience was. If you write children’s books, for example, you must market for both kids and adults, including parents, grandparents, other relatives, and teachers.
Knowing these differences in your readers will assist you in your marketing as you want to be sure your marketing resonates with each potential buyer. This is worth repeating: as authors, we think a lot about who our readers are. As sellers of our books, we also need to think about who our buyers are. Let’s look at some marketing ideas for that buyer audience.
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1. Website. You need a website. Even if you are active on several social media platforms, you must have a website. Make your website attractive and easy to navigate so someone can quickly find what they need. Include and regularly update your bio, links to your books, your social media, your blogs or newsletters, and reviews of your books and events.
On your website, be sure you have a place for people to sign up for your newsletter. Blogs and newsletters require consistency to be effective.
2. Connecting. Send blog posts or newsletters to your followers. Be sure to connect your blogs and newsletter to your website. There is a balance between being overly shy or modest on the one hand, and being a pest on the other hand. We each will strike that balance differently. You probably need help finding the right balance (see THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, below).
As authors, we think a lot about who our readers are. But as sellers of our books, we also need to think about who our buyers are.
3. Social media. Your audience uses a variety of social media, so don’t limit yourself to one platform. I have a presence on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. It is also useful to post video on YouTube. Platforms will evolve, audience preferences will evolve. Determine what combination works for you (see THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, below).
4. Book festivals and signings. Going to book festivals is a great way to meet your readers and make new connections. They can be somewhat expensive or selective, but festivals are not the only way to meet your readers. I have signed books at grocery stores, school festivals, and bookstores. Whether at festivals or other in-person venues, people are excited to purchase a book when they can ask the author questions, take a photo, and have the book signed.
5. Virtual events. Zoom and similar companies offer a way for you to host virtual events and workshops. This allows you to have a personal connection with your audience and promote your book. One potential advantage of this approach is that you are controlling the event, rather than joining someone else’s event.
6. Book trailers. Trailers are a great way to excite potential customers about your books.
7. Reviews. Have qualified persons write reviews of your book. By qualified, I mean someone whose perspective is relevant for the type of book you wrote and the audience you are pitching to. I don’t pay reviewers or hire social media influencers, but your publicist and social media advisor can discuss those options with you. In any event, share your reviews on your website and through your social media platforms.
8. Brand. Building a brand is important. I have brand colors for my social media posts and website. This way, when people see an announcement, they see the colors and know it’s me.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I ever did was hire a publicist and a social media expert. It is important to interview the person you are considering for each position to make sure you understand what they can do for you and how you can support them.
Please check out my website. If you have questions, please contact me. I enjoy hearing from fellow authors.
Diann Floyd Boehm is an award-winning international author of children’s books who writes to inspire readers to be kind, like themselves, and embrace imagination. Diann is also involved in various humanitarian projects with multiple organizations. She has traveled extensively to many parts of the world and has lived in the Philippines and Dubai. She and her husband now live in Austin, Texas.
Learn more about Diann at her website, and check out her Story Garden YouTube channel, which lets children hear different children’s authors read their stories. All of Diann’s books are available on Amazon.