Writing to build a better society: Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes

by Timothy Pike
If you’re concerned about the way extremism seems to be taking hold in the United States, you’ll appreciate what Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes is trying to do.
“It is alarming to witness the way such ideologies have gained traction in recent years,” she tells me in our interview, “and I felt compelled to address this issue through my writing.”
This, along with a fascination for the work her husband used to do in the intelligence community, are the reasons she wrote her soon-to-be-released CIA thriller, A Fifth of the Story. It’s slated for release on February 27 and is now available for pre-order.
The plot centers around a CIA agent named Brock, who discovers that one of his closest allies was involved in an attack on U.S. soil. It’s just the kind of sticky situation that Katherine is all too happy to explore and analyze. “Through the characters in my novel,” she says, “I aim to shed light on the complexities of human relationships.”
But success didn’t come easy.
Katherine was working as a school principal when a brain hemorrhage landed her in the hospital. The health scare prompted her to re-evaluate her career path, and that’s when she decided to try her hand at publishing.
A newfound determination to push through despite long odds, a desire to try something new, and her “do it to done” approach to life and work have all led Katherine to considerable success in her new field. In our interview, Katherine explains how she stays on top of it all and makes sure everything she needs to do gets done.
Thank you, Katherine, for being with us today. Where are you currently based? Is that where you’re from originally?
I currently live in a suburb outside of Jacksonville, Florida. I was born in England to Jamaican and Portuguese parents, grew up in New York, and lived in several different states before moving to Florida.
Your CIA espionage thriller, A Fifth of the Story, is due for release on February 27. Why did you feel this was a story that needed to be told?
The inspiration behind my novel, A Fifth of the Story, stems from my deep fascination for the work my husband did in the intelligence community as an army officer and later as a contractor. The story was also largely inspired by my growing concern over the rise of extremist organizations and beliefs in our country. It is alarming to witness the way such ideologies have gained traction in recent years, and I felt compelled to address this issue through my writing. I believe it is crucial to delve into the root causes of extremism and work toward creating a more tolerant and inclusive society.
While exploring this theme, I also wanted to delve into the impact that life’s circumstances, family, and values have on relationships. As someone who values deep and meaningful friendships, I find it fascinating to examine how outside factors can influence these relationships. Through the characters in my novel, I aim to shed light on the complexities of human relationships and the challenges they face in the face of adversity. Ultimately, my hope is that readers will come away from my book with a deeper understanding of the world around them and the importance of compassion and empathy in building a better society.
What got you into writing?
When I was growing up, my parents played an instrumental role in shaping my love for literature. They believed that reading was an essential habit that could help me learn and grow as an individual. To instill a deep appreciation for the classics, they would read out loud to me every night before bed. As I grew older, they encouraged me to read on my own, and we would often discuss the books that I had read.
Additionally, my parents emphasized the importance of staying connected with our relatives who lived outside the U.S. Since we didn’t always have the means to visit them in person, they encouraged us to write letters to them instead. This not only helped us maintain strong family ties but also honed our writing skills. Looking back, I am grateful for the values my parents instilled in me and the lifelong love for literature that they helped foster.
As for your writing process, do you start with a premise, or do you just start writing and see where it takes you?
When I sit down to write, I always begin with a premise that catches my attention and sparks my imagination. It could be something as simple as a single sentence or a vague idea that I can’t shake. From there, I start to flesh out the story, often by letting the characters take the lead. I listen closely to the voices in my head and let the ones that speak the loudest guide me. I develop each character’s personality, backstory, and motivations, and use that information to craft a plot that feels true to their unique perspectives. It can be a messy and unpredictable process, but I find that it’s the most effective way for me to create a story that feels authentic and engaging.
Please tell us about your podcast, Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality.
As the host of the weekly podcast Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality, I find my job to be thrilling. Every week, I get to delve into different stories and perspectives with my guests, most of whom are authors. To create an engaging episode, I put a lot of effort into research, preparation, and attention to detail. It’s an exciting challenge to keep my audience on the edges of their seats while discussing thrilling and suspenseful stories. However, it can also be tough to keep things fresh and exciting week after week. Despite the challenges, I find the experience very rewarding because I love the thrill of suspense and storytelling.
How do you stay so productive? Do you have a daily routine?
Every morning, I find it helpful to create a to-do list for the day ahead to ensure that I stay productive and on track with my tasks. I take the time to carefully mockup this list, making sure to include everything that needs to be accomplished. Based on this list, I create a daily schedule that enables me to tackle each task efficiently and effectively.
In addition to my daily schedule, I also create a yearly schedule for my blog. Since I have a team of writers who work with me to write weekly encouraging devotionals, it’s important that we have a plan in place. By creating this schedule a year in advance, we can ensure that our content is timely, relevant, and impactful. It also allows us to make any necessary adjustments to our publishing schedule as needed. Overall, having a clear plan and schedule in place helps me stay organized and focused on achieving my goals.
The most successful writers are those who never stop striving for excellence.
Was there ever a time you felt the odds were stacked against you? How did you succeed in the face of that?
A time I felt the odds were stacked against me was when I suffered a brain hemorrhage, and the neurologists working on my case weren’t sure if I would recover. I succeeded in the face of that through prayer, perseverance, and a miraculous healing.
During my ongoing health crisis, I experienced a significant shift in my perspective toward life and realized that I wanted to pursue my passion for writing on a more serious level. After much contemplation and deliberation, I decided to take the plunge and transitioned from my longstanding career as a school principal to working full-time in the publishing industry. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I am thrilled to have found a new career path that aligns with my interests and aspirations. I am excited to see where this new journey takes me, and I look forward to making the most of the opportunities that come my way.
You talk about a “do it to done” mentality, which has clearly helped you achieve a lot. Action is important, but does it hurt to dream?
I have a strong work ethic and believe in completing tasks to the best of my abilities. However, I also understand the importance of having big dreams and striving to achieve them. I am someone who is willing to put in the work necessary to turn my dreams into reality. By balancing a “do it to done” mentality with a passion for pursuing ambitious goals, I believe I can achieve great things and make a positive impact in the world.
What’s your best advice for writers who seek to break out and get a foothold in the industry?
As someone who has experience in the writing industry, my best advice for aspiring writers who want to make a name for themselves is to take networking seriously. By attending writing conferences, connecting with other writers and industry professionals, and investing in mentorships, you can build a solid foundation and make invaluable connections that can help you along the way.
It’s important to focus on improving your craft. You should strive to learn everything you can about the art of writing, whether it’s by reading books on the subject, taking writing classes, or practicing writing exercises regularly. Remember that writing is a skill that takes time and dedication to master, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results right away.
Finally, it’s crucial to remain humble and grounded throughout your journey. Don’t let any early successes go to your head, and always be willing to learn and grow as a writer. Remember that there’s always room for improvement and that the most successful writers are those who never stop striving for excellence.
What do you consider your biggest writing achievement so far?
I am proud to share with you that my biggest accomplishment in the field of writing has been the successful completion and publication of my debut thriller novel, A Fifth of the Story. This book is the result of my immense passion, dedication, and hard work toward creating a masterpiece that engages, thrills, and entertains readers. From developing the plot twists, crafting the characters, and weaving the storyline, every step has been a challenge and a learning experience for me. However, the result has been worth it, and I feel elated to have received positive feedback and appreciation from readers and critics alike.
What are you working on now?
I am thrilled to share that I’ve recently released a book of devotionals with a team of other authors called Focus: 45 Devotionals to Keep Jesus in the Picture. I also just finished writing the prequel to my first novel. The story is titled “By the Fire of Zeal,” and I am excited to see how my readers will respond to it. Currently, I’m working on the third and fourth books in this series, which is set to have a total of five books. Writing has been a passion of mine for years, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share my stories with the world.
Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes is an editor, author, speaker, and educational consultant, and hosts the podcast Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality. Katherine is a member of Word Weavers International and serves as an online chapter president and mentor. She belongs to FWA (Florida Writers Association), ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), CWoC (Crime Writers of Color), AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association), and AASA (American Association of School Administrators). She serves on the nonprofit organization Submersion 14 board and the 540 Writer’s Community board and is an art instructor for the nonprofit organization Light for the Future. She has authored a Christian Bible study for women and is currently working on the sequels to her first general-market thriller novel. Her thriller, A Fifth of the Story, will debut in February 2024 through Endgame Press.
Visit Katherine at her website, and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X.